Friday, 15 September 2017

DOWNLOAD - Economic Alternatives to the Cross River Super Highway

Is it sensible for a broke Cross River State state to try to build a new "super highway" when its existing roads are in shambles and rural roads are insufficient? If this new road is economically viable why are there no investors? For facts -  Download Economic Alternatives to the Cross River Super Highway HERE 

This is an ambitious and expensive project. There has been so much debate about the human and environmental cost of the super highway and very little debate on its viability for investors. How will the project be funded and recouped? Why are there no investors?

Download Economic Alternatives to the Cross River Super Highway HERE 
an in depth analysis from RRDC, Green Code and BudgIT

Cross River Super highway victims cry for compensation

Cross River Super highway victims cry for compensation.

Over one year after losing crops to bulldozers for the ill fated Cross river superhighway farmers have been ignored. The "signature project" of Governor Ayayde has been fraught with procedural lapses, protests, lack of investors and an inability to secure Federal environmental permits despite for submissions for what is viewed by many as a logging scheme to access valuable hardwood.

Listen to the voices of those affected.