Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Ikom/Alok monoliths in tentative list for World Heritage Status

These monoliths are the logo of the Cross River Tourism Bureau and are depicted in a giant sculpture at a roundabout on the highway. A very important tourism asset)

Here is an excerpt from UNESCO

Statements of authenticity and/or integrity
The stone monoliths of Alok Ikom bear a form of writing and a complex system of codified information. Although they seem to share the same general features, each stone, like the human finger print, is unique from every other stone in its design and execution.

The geometric images on the monoliths suggest that their makers possessed more than a basic knowledge of mathematics, not only because they are geometric, but also because of the obvious implication that there were computations and numbers on the layout of the stones.
Comparison with other similar properties

The Ikom monoliths with their geometric inscriptions could be compared to the rock Arts of Tanzania. The meanings of the codified symbol are known to only the artists. These are also associated with their origin, which is like most rock art works in Africa. Ikom monoliths could be West Africa's answer to United Kingdom's Stonehenge.

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